Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Finally purchased a road bike

A couple weeks after riding the bike rented for Acworth, I realized it was too small for my frame. Given my degree of nervousness, I didn’t want to make any additional changes to my game plan and decided to use it. I have since returned the bike, borrowed a bike closer to my frame for a few weeks, then purchased a Specialized Allez bike from my local bike store [lbs]. I am 6’ with a 34” inseam. I’ve had the Specialized bike for 1 week and have ridden it a few times to become familiar with the gear shifting and overall feel.  I love it.

Mike from the bike store tried to get me to have the clip-in pedals installed. I smiled and said ‘give me a couple months to learn to ride the bike. I promise to bring it in so the clip-in pedals can be installed.  Pinky promise!!   He assured me they’d install them free of charge.

I currently own shoes and pedals from spin class.  I’ve also fallen a few times with them. That slow motion feeling of ‘Oh No, I’m falling’  has to be one of the weirdest feelings.  Dear hubby fulfilled my requests and installed them on my hybrid bike last year when I was feeling adventurous. I assured him they couldn’t be too hard to learn to use.  He stood by helplessly as I tipped over. He is such a good sport..always there to pick me up when I need that extra bit of support. When my feelings are no longer raw, we usually have a good laugh about my antics.

I’ve since learned and accepted that everyone falls with clip-ins.  It’s a rite of passage of sorts.  So, I’ll look forward to mine in a month or two.

Update: I purchased the trainer in December as a reward.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Augusta 70.3 Musings

Augusta…I’ll experience a couple firsts this weekend.  My first Ironman 70.3 and my first relay.  I’d never considered a relay before but it is a great way to participate and get a feel for the event.  I can focus on the area in which I’m experienced and cheer my teammates on as they complete the swim and bike segments.  I’ve worked hard for this and feel good mentally and physically going into the weekend.  By the way, did I mention how excited I am to be surrounded by and included in the arena with athletes of this caliber?  It is so motivating. I’ve actually begun thinking of myself not just as an athlete but a triathlete. I know if I keep working hard my skillset will develop over time and before I know it, I’ll be completing indoor and open lake sprints with no problem.

It’s Sunday night and I am tired. So many things are going through my mind. What to take, when to pack, what to wear, what to eat, how to balance my regular responsibilities while preparing for Augusta. How to embrace the excitement and enjoy the moment while keeping focused on my upcoming performance.  This is such a time of learning and stepping out of my comfort zone.  In a weird way, I’m starting to enjoy it. Augusta here we come.